General obligation bonds tulsa

On August 8, 2023, voters approved a third Improve Our Tulsa package funded by General Obligation Bonds and a sales tax extension. This Improve Our Tulsa renewal will fund improvements to identified City facilities and sites while also providing capital funding for public safety equipment and street maintenance. This extension will not raise taxes for Tulsans.

Important Dates

With most day-to-day operations for the City funded by sales tax, capital funding is primarily handled by elections for General Obligation Bond Issues and temporary sales tax extensions. Both of these sources are used exclusively to construct capital improvements like roads, bridges, flood control, economic development investments and facility and infrastructure needs identified by the citizens of Tulsa, the Mayor and City Council. Through the Improve our Tulsa and Vision Tulsa funding packages, the citizens of Tulsa have funded the largest streets improvement program in the City’s history while simultaneously making visionary investments in our community.

Frequently Asked Questions
updated August 9, 2023

What is the Improve Our Tulsa renewal?
The Improve Our Tulsa renewal is a $814 million package that will not raise taxes, but fund critical improvements to City facilities, equipment, and street infrastructure while making a substantial investment toward a $104.2 million Tulsa Housing Initiative to help fill a critical housing need in Tulsa. This renewal builds on previous Improve Our Tulsa funding packages while providing necessary funding to complete voter-approved street projects.

Where does the money come from to fund a renewal of Improve Our Tulsa?
The funding package includes a 0.95 percent temporary sales tax for streets, infrastructure, City equipment and facilities and property-tax financed General Obligation Bonds issued by the City of Tulsa.

With the passage of the Improve Our Tulsa renewal, will taxes go up?
No. The effective sales tax rate in the Tulsa city limits will remain the same – 3.65 percent. Property taxes in the Tulsa city limits would be kept stable.

How much property tax does the City of Tulsa receive and how does the City use it?
The City of Tulsa receives approximately 9.5888% of property tax collected in the Tulsa city limits. Property tax received by the City is used for payment of General Obligation Bond principal and interest and for judgments issued by a court against the City.

How do we know that projects approved by Tulsa voters will be completed as promised?
The Sales Tax Overview Committee provides citizen oversight on projects approved by the citizens of Tulsa. The 21-member citizen committee meets monthly at City Hall and makes reports to the City Council. The committee publishes a report that is included annually in City utility statements. You can read the monthly STOC reports online.