Modals of Ability 1 - Can, Could, Be able to, May, Might

Modals of Ability 1 - Can, Could, Be able to, May, Might

Choose the best modal for each sentence.

Click on the box beside the best answer. Show all questions Peter ____________ swim when he was a child, but now he ____________. In fact, he swims every day!
  1. ? could / can't
  2. ? couldn't / can't
  3. ? couldn't / can
My cat ____________ jump, but it ____________ talk.
  1. ? can / can't
  2. ? can't / can
____________ you play the piano when you were a child? She ____________ understand Korean very well, but she ____________ speak it perfectly.
  1. ? is able to / cannot
  2. ? be able to / cannot
  3. ? is able to / is able to
I'm going to bring an umbrella today because it ____________ rain.
  1. ? can
  2. ? might
  3. ? is able to
____________ I borrow your dictionary?
  1. ? Am I able to
  2. ? Might
  3. ? May
George is absent from class today. He ____________ be sick.
  1. ? could
  2. ? can
  3. ? is able to

When Vera was young, she ____________ type quickly. She took a typing class and now she ____________ type very quickly!

  1. ? could not / can to
  2. ? could not / can
  3. ? can / could
Kevin was disappointed because he ____________ get tickets for the football game.
  1. ? weren't able to
  2. ? wasn't able to
Sara ____________ Italian food and she ____________ French food too!
  1. ? can cooks / can cooks
  2. ? can cooking / can cooking
  3. ? can cook / is able to cook

The little girl asked, "Mommy, ____________ I have a cookie?" The mother said, "Yes, you ____________."

  1. ? can / are able to
  2. ? may / might
  3. ? can / can

The family can't decide where to go on vacation. They ____________ go to Los Angeles or they ____________ go to Hawaii.

  1. ? might / may
  2. ? could / couldn't
  3. ? may / are able to