Tuition & Fee Waivers

The Office of Student Financial Aid (OSFA) does not award or grant tuition waivers. We provide this information in order to explain how tuition and fee waivers can impact Federal Student Aid (FSA) and any other need-based aid since waivers are a form of Estimated Financial Assistance (EFA).

A student’s Cost of Attendance (COA) includes a component for tuition and fee expenses; therefore, federal and State of Georgia regulations require the dollar value of any tuition or fee waiver(s) students receive to be treated as a financial resource when determining their eligibility for Federal Student Aid (FSA), some State of Georgia aid and OSFA Need-Based Aid.

When students receive a waiver of in-state and/or an out-of-state tuition or student fees after having been awarded financial aid, they may be required to repay already disbursed aid in order to reduce or eliminate an overaward.

Graduate and professional students also need to see Graduate Assistantships and Financial Aid Impact.