monitoring and evaluation of wells and methow hatchery programs .

monitoring and evaluation of wells and methow hatchery programs .

monitoring and evaluation of wells and methow hatchery programs .

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IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF FISH &GAME - StreamNet Regional Library

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<a href=IMPRINTING SALMON AND STEELHEAD TROUT FOR HOMING . " width="208" height="300" />

MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF WELLS AND METHOW HATCHERY PROGRAMS IN 2010 Prepared for Douglas County Public Utility District and Wells Habitat Conservation Plan Hatchery Committee by Charlie Snow, Charles Frady, and Alex Repp Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Supplementation Research Team Methow Field Office Twisp, WA Andrew Murdoch Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Supplementation Research Team Wenatchee Field Office Wenatchee, WA and Maureen P. Small, Sarah Bell, and Cheryl Dean Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation Biology Unit, Molecular Genetics Laboratory Olympia, WA April 2011